
Friday, April 26, 2013

Assignment 3 Reflection

As part of the week 3 assignment, we were to generate our action research plan.  My action research topic addresses how different strategies aid and strengthen reading comprehension and fluency. As I listen to students read, one thing becomes glaringly apparent.  Most students are struggling with fluency.  My students read word by word or in very short phrases.  They do not differentiate dialogue from other text, they do not attend to punctuation, and they do not sound as if they are speaking.  Why is this a problem?  Research has indicated that if students are not reading fluently, they are spending too much cognitive energy decoding the text, and their comprehension will suffer.  Too much time and energy spent decoding text leaves little time or energy for constructing meaning from the text, which is the ultimate goal of reading today.

My action research questions or inquiry questions are:
1.       How does repeated reading impact students who struggle with fluency in first grade?
2.       What intervention strategies are effective for rapidly improving students reading skills and fluency rate?

Action Research Plan

EDLD 5301 Research ANL
Kemle Barroso

How Different Strategies Aid and Strengthen Comprehension Skills and Fluency

Goal and Outcomes: The purpose of this study is to research how different strategies aid and strengthen reading comprehension and fluency.  In order to research the student’s reading comprehension and fluency, four different strategies will be conducted over a period of time.  Each week a new strategy will be introduced.  Data will be collected from each strategy and analyzed to determine its effectiveness.  The study will benefit other professionals, because they will see the outcomes of the different strategies used throughout the study and realize the positive effect on students’ reading comprehension and fluency.  The study will also show how easy it is to use the strategies in their classrooms to help boost the confidence, comprehension, and fluency for their students.


Action Step(s)




Determine participants
Four struggling readers, who read, comprehend and
demonstrate fluency below grade level will be selected for this study.
Kemle Barroso
Sept. 9-27, 2013
Benchmark and Tejas Lee Results
This step will help with the selection of students for the research.
Gather baseline data
Data from End of the Year Kindergarten Tejas Lee, First grade Beginning of the Year Tejas LEE, and reading benchmark will be gathered.

Data should include the following question:

How many students demonstrated comprehension and fluency below grade level?
Kemle Barroso
Sept. 9-27, 2013
Benchmark and Tejas Lee Results
This step will provide quantitative data on students who struggled with comprehension and fluency at the end of kindergarten and the beginning of first grade.
Small group fluency
Participants will receive small group fluency instruction. Four different strategies will be conducted.

Week 1 Strategy:
Direct fluency instruction lessons/
Reader’s theater

Week 2 Strategy: Poetry

Week 3 Strategy: Listening Center

Week 4 Strategy:
Rereading books as homework

Kemle Barroso
Oct. 7-Nov.1, 2013

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 30 minutes

12 repeated reading practices

Guided Reading Books

Reader’s Theater

Running records

Fluency Assessment



Dual player with  multiple sets of headphones

Every third session, an assessment will be administered which will included name of passage, words per minute, accuracy percentile and fluency measure.

Week 1: Students will receive a script with appropriate parts highlighted
early each week.

Week 2: Student will receive a collection of poems.

Week 3:
Students will listen to recorded books as a tool for developing competency in listening, reading fluency and comprehension and visual literacy.

Week 4:
Parents and their children work with a text sent from school.
Data analyze using student’s interest inventory
The students will answer 10 questions by circling a star representing their feelings of love, like, okay, and dislike.

How did I feel when the teacher read to me?
How did I feel when asked to read in class?

How did I feel about reading mystery stories?
Kemle Barroso
Oct. 7-11, 2013
Student Interest Inventory
This step will help me to have a better understanding of what kind of books the students like and with whom and where the students like to read.
Consent Form
Since the students are minors, parents will complete, sign and return an informed consent.

Kemle Barroso
Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2013
Consent Form
Parents will consent for the children to participate in the research to comply with the regulation of the proper and ethical
treatment law.
compare data

A report will be prepared to explain comparisons of the strategies conducted. The report will include quantitative and qualitative data gathered throughout the research. Data will be provided in the form of text, spreadsheets, and charts.
Kemle Barroso
Nov.4- 15, 2013
Access to all data collected

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel
This step will provide analytical data to prove that repeated text will increase comprehension skills and fluency.